Fat Cat's Auction House is looking for auctioneers to run KittyCats auctions.
Auction Time Available...
Your choice. We have 5 auction houses available for your auction.
* Must have an auctioneer hud that works with KittyCats
* Must have a working and current knowledge of KittyCats.
* Must have a clear mic & the ability to speak and hear through sl.
* Must adhere to the rules of the region and it's owners.
* Must be professional and kind.
* Run your auction your way.
* You are paid $100L per auction you hold, by the House.
* You keep 100% of your tips.
* Free Sales Booth for as long as you continue auctioneering.
* 1 assigned podium at your auctions.
* Small, short auctions.
* Gathering Room for Classes, Seminars, & Teaching.
* Come explore the region & the Auction Houses
* Send a notecard listing the following to