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Jewel swopping to get Fancie Cats
05-09-2021, 04:18 PM
Post: #1
Jewel swopping to get Fancie Cats

Dear Callie and Kittycats Team

Its come to that time again, when I have enough jewels to get a Fancie Cat but I have the arduous task of exchanging jewels.

Whilst its fun meeting other breeders and exchanging jewels, I find it really time consuming because of differing time zones and finding other's willing to swop/trade.

I know some people really enjoy the aspect of trading/swapping jewels whilst there are other's who do not.

I would like to suggest that we please have the option of converting our mixture of jewels to the equivalent amount exchanged for a Fancie Cat, instead of swapping, trading them with others.

Would it take a lot of work tweaking the conversion process?

Thank you for considering this idea.

Kind regards

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 Thanks given by: Devilness Chant , Lixy Byron , Beryl Landar , Arwen Swordthain
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Jewel swopping to get Fancie Cats - Dimpz Morane - 05-09-2021 04:18 PM

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